History hashtags to follow on Twitter

History hashtags to follow on Twitter

In a world of Kardashians, the 24 hour new cycle and sponsored posts, finding history and heritage tweets can be tough. Here are some of our favourite hashtag searches to help you get social!


With flashbacks to what was happening on this date in the past, there’s a real mix of remembering important world events, combined with amusing or unusual archival finds. Definitely worth checking in with.


Think no-one else shares your enthusiasm for reading a new history book, researching the archives or visiting a historic site? Yes they do, and they’re sharing their excitement here!


A great way to discover places and culture from around the globe, often in relation to UNESCO designation. Incredible images, new discoveries, conservation projects… it’s all going on with this hashtag.


Both a catchy phrase and a useful way of connecting with other history fans on Twitter. A great way to keep up with what’s happening, and find new accounts to follow and share.


A really diverse mix of subjects are tweeted about using this hashtag… because after all, everything has a history!


As you might imagine, these posts are typically about spotting blue plaques, and are often accompanied with some interesting or witty facts or observations about the people represented and their accomplishments. A kind of who’s who (and why) from the past.


Created by Gracie Price – a Museum Studies and Archaeology student – just a few years ago, this idea has caught on quickly. Once every day through November, a themed photography prompt encourages discussion of museum artefacts, curatorship and experiences. Find out more at magnifyingzoology.wordpress.com.

Cheeky conclusion: following these hashtags is a great idea… so is following us @CurioCitiesUK :)

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